Homes for Rent in Carolina Beach NC
Browse 19 homes for rent in Carolina Beach, North Carolina.
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Frequently Asked Questions
How is the for rent real estate market for homes in Carolina Beach NC?
- On average, they rented within 4 days.
How many homes are for rent in Carolina Beach NC?
- There are 19 homes in Carolina Beach, North Carolina for rent. Last month, there were 1 listing, and 3 a year prior in February 2024. The newest listing for rent has 2+ bedrooms, 2+ bathrooms, 1,149 SQFT, .03 acres, pet friendly, cat friendly, and dog friendly for $2,100 at 105 Teakwood Drive #Apt 706.
What is the average price per square foot for homes in Carolina Beach NC?
- $2 is the average price per square foot for homes Carolina Beach, North Carolina. Currently, a 2,127 SQFT multi_family at 1516 Bonito Lane #Unit 2 in Carolina Beach, North Carolina has the lowest price per square foot at $1.32, while a 750 SQFT multi_family at 305 Charlotte Avenue #Down in Carolina Beach, North Carolina has the highest at $2.4.
What is the median list price for homes for rent in Carolina Beach NC?
- $2,300 is the median list price for homes for rent in Carolina Beach, North Carolina.
What is the average days on market for homes for rent in Carolina Beach NC?
- 4 days on market is the February 2025 average for homes for rent in Carolina Beach, North Carolina. Most recently, a 3+ bedrooms, 3+ bathrooms, .14 acres, and pet friendly condo at 1100 Carolina Beach Avenue N #Unit 1 in Carolina Beach, North Carolina has been on the market for 1 day, while 103 Bimini Townes Lane in Carolina Beach, North Carolina with 3+ bedrooms, 4+ bathrooms, .03 acres, pet friendly, cat friendly, and dog friendly has been on the market for 125 days.