Apartments for Rent in Winterville NC
Browse 4 apartments for rent in Winterville, North Carolina.
Frequently Asked Questions
How many apartments are for rent in Winterville NC?
- There are 4 apartments in Winterville, North Carolina for rent. The newest listing for rent has 1+ bedroom, 1+ bathroom, .05 acres, and pet friendly for $750 at 712 Patton Circle #27.
What is the median list price for apartments for rent in Winterville NC?
- $800 is the median list price for apartments for rent in Winterville, North Carolina.
What is the average days on market for apartments for rent in Winterville NC?
- Most recently, a 2+ bedrooms, 1+ bathroom, .06 acres, and pet friendly apartment at 705 Patton Circle #17 in Winterville, North Carolina has been on the market for 1 day, while 709 Patton Circle in Winterville, North Carolina with 1+ bedroom, 1+ bathroom, pet friendly, cat friendly, and dog friendly has been on the market for 423 days.