Homes for Rent near Pinecrest High High School Southern Pines NC
Browse 65 homes for rent near Pinecrest High High School of Southern Pines, North Carolina.
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Frequently Asked Questions
How is the for rent real estate market for homes near Pinecrest High High School NC?
- On average, they rented within 14 days compared to 28 days on market the previous year.
How many homes are for rent near Pinecrest High High School NC?
- There are 65 homes near Pinecrest High High School, North Carolina for rent. Last month, there were 44 listings, and 29 a year prior in February 2024. The newest listing for rent has 4+ bedrooms, 3+ bathrooms, .34 acres, and pet friendly for $2,475 at 404 Summer Wind Way.
What is the average price per square foot for homes near Pinecrest High High School NC?
- $1.35 is the average price per square foot for homes near Pinecrest High High School, North Carolina. Currently, a 2,656 SQFT house at 4085 Murdocksville Road near Pinecrest High High School, North Carolina has the lowest price per square foot at $0.9, while a 700 SQFT condo at 10 Pine Tree Road ## 114 near Pinecrest High High School, North Carolina has the highest at $2.29.
What is the median list price for homes for rent near Pinecrest High High School NC?
- $2,200 is the median list price for homes for rent near Pinecrest High High School, North Carolina.
What is the average days on market for homes for rent near Pinecrest High High School NC?
- 14 days on market is the February 2025 average for homes for rent near Pinecrest High High School, North Carolina. This represents a decrease from the previous month's average of 26 days on market, and a decrease from the same month the year prior of 28 days on market average. Most recently, a 3+ bedrooms, 2+ bathrooms, 1,280 SQFT, .46 acres, and pet friendly house at 1302 N Poplar Street near Pinecrest High High School, North Carolina has been on the market for 1 day, while 126 Old Course Road near Pinecrest High High School, North Carolina with 3+ bedrooms, 2+ bathrooms, 1,560 SQFT, and pet friendly has been on the market for 195 days.