Homes for Rent in University Meadows Raleigh NC
Browse 1 homes for rent in University Meadows neighborhood of Raleigh, North Carolina.
Frequently Asked Questions
How many homes are for rent in University Meadows NC?
- There are 1 homes in University Meadows neighborhood, North Carolina for rent. The newest listing for rent has 1+ bedroom, 1+ bathroom, 1,650 SQFT, and no pets for $600 at 1305 Kent Road #Apt 203 C.
What is the average price per square foot for homes in University Meadows NC?
- $0.36 is the average price per square foot for homes University Meadows neighborhood, North Carolina. Currently, a 1,650 SQFT condo at 1305 Kent Road #Apt 203 C in University Meadows neighborhood, North Carolina has the lowest price per square foot at $0.36, while a 1,650 SQFT condo at 1305 Kent Road #Apt 203 C in University Meadows neighborhood, North Carolina has the highest at $0.36.
What is the median list price for homes for rent in University Meadows NC?
- $600 is the median list price for homes for rent in University Meadows neighborhood, North Carolina.
What is the average days on market for homes for rent in University Meadows NC?
- Most recently, a 1+ bedroom, 1+ bathroom, 1,650 SQFT, and no pets condo at 1305 Kent Road #Apt 203 C in University Meadows neighborhood, North Carolina has been on the market for 63 days, while 1305 Kent Road #Apt 203 C in University Meadows neighborhood, North Carolina with 1+ bedroom, 1+ bathroom, 1,650 SQFT, and no pets has been on the market for 63 days.