Commercial Real Estate in 28584 NC for Sale and Rent
Browse 81 commercial real estate for sale and rent in 28584 zip code, North Carolina.
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Frequently Asked Questions
How many commercial real estate are for sale and rent in 28584 NC?
- There are 11 commercial real estate in 28584 zip code, North Carolina for sale and rent. Last year in February, there were listings. The newest listing for sale and rent for $4,800 at 112 Seth Thomas Lane.
What is the average price per square foot for commercial real estate in 28584 NC?
- $312.84 is the average price per square foot for commercial real estate 28584 zip code, North Carolina. Currently, a 3,600 SQFT other, warehouse, self_storage, industrial at 305 Whitehouse Fork Road #B in 28584 zip code, North Carolina has the lowest price per square foot at $0.89, while a 6,618 SQFT other, professional_service, mixed_use, warehouse, office at 213 W Firetower Road Road in 28584 zip code, North Carolina has the highest at $586.28.
What is the median list price for commercial real estate for sale and rent in 28584 NC?
- $585,000 is the median list price for commercial real estate for sale and rent in 28584 zip code, North Carolina.
What is the average days on market for commercial real estate for sale and rent in 28584 NC?
- Most recently, a manufacturing, other, wholesale, warehouse, self_storage, business_flex at 112 Seth Thomas Lane in 28584 zip code, North Carolina has been on the market for 1 day, while Hw 24 Freedom Way in 28584 zip code, North Carolina with 13.13 acres has been on the market for 1,609 days.