Businesses for Sale and Rent Between $945,000 to $1,045,000 in Wendell NC
Browse 1 businesses for sale and rent between $945,000 to $1,045,000 in Wendell, North Carolina.
Browse 1 businesses for sale and rent between $945,000 to $1,045,000 in Wendell, North Carolina.
Red Door Company
2530 Meridian Parkway #300, Durham, NC 27713
Introducing a charming small-town offering in Historic District of downtown Wendell. The building is a total of 5500 square feet, 2750 per floor, 2 floors, with a loading dock out back. Office, Retail, or Restaurant ready! It already has a 350 gallon grease trap. In addition to new plumbing and electric, it has new countertops, new light fixtures, floorings, and a new bathroom. It is currently permitted for 25 patrons in the store. The entire second floor is open front to back. It is is zoned Mixed Use, so it could be used as office space, a residence, storage, or more rental space. The second floor is accessible from the first floor and from a separate street entrance.
31 N Main Street is a business commercial space for sale in Wendell, NC 27591.
Offered by Red Door Company. Information Not Guaranteed. © Triangle MLS Inc. All rights reserved. Listings marked with a TMLSidx icon are provided courtesy of the Triangle MLS, Inc. of North Carolina, Internet Data Exchange Database.