Houses for Sale in Avery County NC
Browse 11 houses for sale in Avery County, North Carolina.
Frequently Asked Questions
How many houses are for sale in Avery County NC?
- There are 2 houses in Avery County, North Carolina for sale. Last month, there were 1 listing. The newest listing for sale has 4+ bedrooms, 3+ bathrooms, 2,864 SQFT, 1.42 acres, and pet friendly for $485,000 at 1697 Balm Highway.
What is the average price per square foot for houses in Avery County NC?
- $274.78 is the average price per square foot for houses Avery County, North Carolina. Currently, a 2,864 SQFT house at 1697 Balm Highway in Avery County, North Carolina has the lowest price per square foot at $169.34, while a 723 SQFT house at 163 Black Pine Road in Avery County, North Carolina has the highest at $380.22.
What is the median list price for houses for sale in Avery County NC?
- $379,950 is the median list price for houses for sale in Avery County, North Carolina.
What is the average days on market for houses for sale in Avery County NC?
- Most recently, a 1+ bedroom, 1+ bathroom, 723 SQFT, .09 acres, and pet friendly house at 163 Black Pine Road in Avery County, North Carolina has been on the market for 1 day, while 1697 Balm Highway in Avery County, North Carolina with 4+ bedrooms, 3+ bathrooms, 2,864 SQFT, 1.42 acres, and pet friendly has been on the market for 10 days.