Commercial Real Estate in Other Wilson NC for Rent
Browse 1 commercial real estate for rent in Other neighborhood of Wilson, North Carolina.
Frequently Asked Questions
How many commercial real estate are for rent in Other NC?
- There are 33 commercial real estate in Other neighborhood, North Carolina for rent. Last year in February, there were listings. The newest listing for rent has 5+ bedrooms, 2+ bathrooms, and .14 acres for $715,000 at 807 Carolina Beach Avenue N.
What is the average price per square foot for commercial real estate in Other NC?
- $185.35 is the average price per square foot for commercial real estate Other neighborhood, North Carolina. This is an increase compared to the $80 average a year prior in February 2024. Currently, a 1,863 SQFT at 118 Tarboro Street W in Other neighborhood, North Carolina has the lowest price per square foot at $0.7, while a 1,786 SQFT at 1701 Lejeune Boulevard in Other neighborhood, North Carolina has the highest at $839.87.
What is the median list price for commercial real estate for rent in Other NC?
- $427,050 is the median list price for commercial real estate for rent in Other neighborhood, North Carolina. This is an increase compared to the $145,000 median rent price a year prior in February 2024.
What is the average days on market for commercial real estate for rent in Other NC?
- Most recently, a .07 acres other, food_service at 222 N Poindexter Street in Other neighborhood, North Carolina has been on the market for 1 day, while 930 W West Charity Road in Other neighborhood, North Carolina with 1.04 acres has been on the market for 2,113 days.