Commercial Real Estate in 27707 NC for Rent
Browse 3 commercial real estate for rent in 27707 zip code, North Carolina.
Frequently Asked Questions
How is the for rent real estate market for commercial real estate in 27707 NC?
- In February of 2025, prices for 27707 zip code, North Carolina commercial real estate for rent were up 23448.4% compared to the previous year. The median rent price was $365,000; on average, they rented within 13 days compared to 62 days on market the previous year. There were 2 commercial real estate for rent in February 2025, an increase from 1 during the same month in the previous year.
How many commercial real estate are for rent in 27707 NC?
- There are 5 commercial real estate in 27707 zip code, North Carolina for rent. Last year in February, there were listings. The newest listing for rent has pet friendly for $350,000 at 1409 Morehead Avenue.
Are prices rising or falling for commercial real estate in 27707 NC?
- Compared to the previous month, prices are rising for commercial real estate in 27707 zip code, North Carolina. The median rent price rose 23448.4% compared to the $1,550 median rent price a year ago in February 2024.
What is the average price per square foot for commercial real estate in 27707 NC?
- $112.73 is the average price per square foot for commercial real estate 27707 zip code, North Carolina. This is a decrease compared to the $209.52 average price per square foot last month, February 2025, and an increase compared to the $2 average a year prior in February 2024. Currently, a 3,103 SQFT office at 1813 Chapel Hill Road in 27707 zip code, North Carolina has the lowest price per square foot at $1.55, while a 2,400 SQFT business at 2300 Chapel Hill Road in 27707 zip code, North Carolina has the highest at $406.25.
What is the median list price for commercial real estate for rent in 27707 NC?
- $4,800 is the median list price for commercial real estate for rent in 27707 zip code, North Carolina. This is a decrease compared to the $365,000 median rent price last month, February 2025, and an increase compared to the $1,550 median rent price a year prior in February 2024.
What is the average days on market for commercial real estate for rent in 27707 NC?
- 13 days on market is the February 2025 average for commercial real estate for rent in 27707 zip code, North Carolina. This represents a decrease from the same month the year prior of 62 days on market average. Most recently, a pet friendly retail at 1409 Morehead Avenue in 27707 zip code, North Carolina has been on the market for 1 day, while 2300 Chapel Hill Road in 27707 zip code, North Carolina with 2,400 SQFT, .34 acres, and pet friendly has been on the market for 186 days.